Jimmy McBride – Intergalactic Quilts

Jimmy McBride is a quilting artist from Brooklyn.

Jimmy McBride - Quilt M64

He creates large-scale quilted pieces inspired by Hubble telescope imagery.  They are phenomenal.

Jimmy McBride - Quilt NGC2264

His work reflects the experience of an intergalactic haulier, producing quilts as he travels the cosmos: “I travel back and forth from rock to rock carrying those two all important gems- salt and vinegar. There’s a lot of time to kill up here so I downloaded a grandma program and she’s been teaching me how to quilt. There’s no “log cabins” or “poinsettias” around so I just stare out the window until something catches my eye.

Jimmy McBride - Quilt NGC2264 detail

These quilts blow me away. They’re the kind of quilts that people need to know about; quilts that can inspire new crafters who may not engage with more traditional versions.

Jimmy McBride - Quilt Pillars of Creation

Jimmy’s blog does a great job of explaining his creative process – I read it and feel like I want to plan some outrageous quilting adventure for myself. There is no denying the tremendous amount of work that goes into each quilt, and it is amazing to see how he has interpreted these cosmic images into quilted form. It is very exciting work.

Jimmy McBride - Quilt Pillars of Creation detail

Jimmy’s site shows you all his terrific creations, his blog explores his creative process and you can buy his masterpieces from his etsy store.

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